Saturday, March 15, 2008

March 12 on 12

I brought my camera along last Wednesday (the 12th), mainly to take photos of the junior high school graduation ceremony. But it turns out staff aren't allowed to take photos (I'm still a little peeved about that rule, since most of the other ALTs were allowed to at their schools.) Anyway, since I had my camera on me, and it was the twelfth, I took a few photos. Enjoy!

1. Shisas at a temple I bike by on the way to work.

2. The teachers' room - only half of it.

3. My desk and beyond in the teachers' room (you'll notice my pink cell phone, a novel, a Japan guide book, and Japanese language textbooks - all to keep me entertained during those days of no classes.)

4. A classroom - there are almost always 36 students in a classroom. Usually one row of desks will be boys, the next girls, etc. (6x6)

The back of a classroom - those cubbies are for each student to put their school bags in .
5. The first (7th) grade shoe cubbies.

6. The teachers' shoe lockers, and pairs of slippers out waiting for guests to change into on graduation day.

7. Me, being artsy as I waited on the train platform.

8. Dried fish hanging outside a fish shop

1 comment:

Angie said...

The picture of Denny's warmed my heart and made me think I will make it in Japan!