Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Twelve on Twelve (September)

Twelve on Twelve is a concept which I am morphing for my own purposes. Basically on the 12th of every month, I am going to take 12 photos of everyday life here (to prevent me from only posting photos of the touristy things I do.) (Thanks to Bob S. for this great idea!) Today though, I'm going to cheat a bit (yes, I know, cheating already doesn't bode well for this intention, but it's just today, I promise!). I took only ten photos today.
1. A Japanese Seven Eleven! (yes, I know a Seven Eleven is not really photoworthy, but this one has Snickers bars!)

2. Toilet slippers - you have to change into these communal slippers when you go to the bathroom. Seems less hygienic to me than just wearing shoes into the toilet stall, but no one asked my opinion.

3. A building across from my bus stop. Everyday I wonder what it is. The only clue is the animals on the sign, maybe it's a vet? But it's never open...

4. A typical Japanese playground (sorry, there were no kids around to make this photo more interesting)

5. This was a mystery for the first week- all the major sidewalks have this raised yellow line. Finally figured out what they are for: blind people to run their canes along. You can see as you reach an intersection, the pattern changes. How cool! (I'm sure the question running through your minds is, are there many blind people there? Answer: No, but they're ready!)
6. The train station in downtown Himeji

7. Myukidori - a sort of open air mall like thing - lots and lots of cool shops inside!

8. Our apartment building

9. A beer vending machine right across the street from our building!
10. The second floor patio of our building. I sit on that step in the foreground to use the internet.


Lewis_Moon said...

Very nice. The Hello Kitty toilet slippers are priceless.
Was that beer in a vending machine? The Japanese are indeed a very advanced culture! It's a little sad to see that the 7-11 fungal infection is spreading.....
How are you dealing with the "space" differences (personal, population, housing, etc.)?
Have fun sara. Don't be the girl on ten mile stilts.

Christine said...

Why do they paint the blind people strips yellow? It"s not like they can see them...

Mind if I also borrow the 12 on 12 idea? (I might make it 8 on 8)
