Friday, November 23, 2007


Our original plan for Thanksgiving dinner was a traditional sort of potluck. But no one has an oven, and turkeys are really expensive, not mention all the rest of the ingredients needed for a tradtional Thanksgiving dinner. Then, a French restaurant here in Himeji decided to offer a Thanksgiving dinner buffet, so we quickly reserved the whole restaurant - 32 of us! We were a very diverse group - Americans, Australians, Germans, English, an Irishman and a few Japanese people thrown in for good measure.
And while we ate dinner last night at 7 pm, we thought of all of you back home - just waking up to put the turkey in! Happy Thanksgiving!!

It was great - and the best part - no clean up!!! Except for the restaurant staff.Karen, going back for seconds! (I was right behind her filling my plate up again!)
Our table - Mike, Karen, me, Suvanya, Heather and Colm.The only disappointment - no pie for dessert. But I was too full to do much complaining.

And to further put us in the holiday spirit, we appreciated the holiday decorations put up in downtown Himeji. The first photo is of Muyidori, the covered shopping arcade. And the blue Christmas tree is on the front of Himeji station. You can't see from this distance, but instead of ornaments, it has four or five large white egrets (the city bird).

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

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