Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Okinawa day two (12/31)

For our second day in Okinawa, we headed up to Churaumi Aquarium. It’s the second largest aquarium in the world (the largest one is in Atlanta. Who would have guessed?) and has three whale sharks in a HUGE tank!! Whale sharks are the largest fish in the world! The tank is so large because whale sharks (which are filter feeders) eat vertically.
In the same tank were huge manta rays. I had no idea they could get that big – they were bigger than people!

And the funniest story of the day: You know you’re in a Japanese aquarium when the man behind you looks at the tank of eels and says “oishii” (delicious)!

(I discovered the aquarium setting on my new camera and went a little wild taking pictures! I’ve just posted the best photos here. The rest are on a picassa webalbum.)

1 comment:

Stella and Bill said...

I looked at every single one of these pictures- each better than the last. WoW